02 August 2015

Worst Prime Ministers of Canada: vote

Inspired by a list of the 9 worst monarchs published by History Extra, the calling of the Canadian general election, and looking to do a short trial before voting for the best Canadian genealogy websites, here's a quick poll. It won't be open for long.

Of Canada's 22 Prime Ministers which do you consider the worst. Before voting refresh you memory with the Wikipedia List of Prime Ministers of Canada. Select as many as you want.

This survey is now closed.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Perhaps with the passage of time, things even out for most Prime Ministers. It seems to me MacDonald was one of our worst PMs at times but he was also one of our greatest leaders. I find it much easier to make a decision about those PMs I've personally experienced and I'd like to split my 5 votes between Harper and Mulroney 3:2. Or maybe all 5 to Harper!